Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Throwback Thursday #3

**IN MY DEFENSE: I totally wrote this on Wednesday, and was going to post it on Thursday. Alas, I forgot. One Day....One Day.

Yes! I actually got one done on a Thursday. Today's pick: Pulp Fiction.
Let me say this-I love Quentin Tarantino. But, 90% of the time I have no idea what is going on in his films. This would be one of that 90%. I understand that it was an influential film, and there are probably some serious psychological lessons to be taught using this one, but they were above my head. I like the imagery, and the way in which Tarantino puts things on film is appealing to me but...story lines? Over my head.
Next Tarantino I try will be Reservoir Dogs. Maybe that one will reach me.
Regardless it was good, a classic for sure, I would give it a thumb up for sure.

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