Monday, February 21, 2011


I don't even know what to say about "Dogtooth". Nominated for best foreign picture, from Greece, this was one of the weirdest effing movies I've ever seen. It also explains to me why very few foreign films make it in the states, and why the rating system in America works the way it does.

The plot line seemed very interesting: three children are kept completely clueless from the world outside of the twisted compound their parents keep them in. The have been taught different words for the wrong items (asking for the phone and getting a pepper shaker) and have completely warped senses of reality. Other than that, the filmmakers took it to a whole new level with explicit sex scenes both in and outside the family, along with aggressive abusive and the killing of a kitten. I was not only scarred by this one, but rather disappointed. I thought the story wasn't extremely original, but would have been told in a more artful and interesting way than the last time we saw this ( "The Village" with crazy old Joaquin Pheonix) but it was not. I'm concerned what will be on the highlight reel that they show at the Oscars.

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