Thursday, October 14, 2010

Money Never Sleeps?

Because it can't. Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps, leaves something to be desired. This will be short and sweet, since this movie is on its way out as it is. Shia Labeouf, bless his heart, did a good job in this one-and boy does he look dapper in some of those suits! Carey Mulligan did a stand up job, as usual-but let's have a reality check for a minute. No one in the real world looks that cute with a boy haircut. No One. So don't try it folks. You will just end up looking like a Dutch milk boy who is going to the market to fetch a chicken and some eggs for your sickly Grandmother.
Michael Douglas, your next script should steer clear of those intense facial close-up shots, you are aging....and not very well. The story line was pretty solid, and the acting fairly good, but the script was unfathomably cheesy. It completely distracted from the story, and the "special effects" were pointless and distracting as well. It is somewhat concerning to think that this is in fact how our economy works, and how we are essentially one mistake away from complete disaster. I love plot lines with a good twist, and although the story got very close, it never took the complete plunge. I would wait for DVD on this one folks.

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