Monday, October 11, 2010

It really was only "kind of" a funny story.

Which isn't a bad thing! You may not know me that well, but here's the deal-I'm obsessed with Zach Galifianakis. I want to have his little hairy babies. Now that its all awkward and weird, I will tell you about his new movie, "It's kind of a a funny story".

I didn't know what to expect going into this movie (except that I would see precious Galifianakis do his thang) and I was extremely pleasantly surprised. It was a sweet, kind of strange story, which struck way deeper into my thoughts and feelings than I ever expected. Thoughts on teen suicide, the increasing amount of stress earlier in life, and all-in-all how we all cope were all things that the movie left me thinking about, and seriously evaluating. There were funny bits, no super quotable lines, unlike Zach's previous work. (yes, we are on a first name basis) but the movie was still great all the same. The characters were varied across time and age, and each one was allowed to develop in a way that let you feel like you sort of knew them. Andddd, not a spoiler alert, but there was an awesome scene involving an 80s rendition, glitter, and faux wigs. That right there is a reason to go.
Anyone who has been, currently is, or ever will be the ages of 13-25 should see this movie. and, on the off chance that there is a parent reading this (doubtful) definitely go see it with your kids. this movie allows for a super easy segwey into tough topics for everyone to talk about, regardless of how cool you are.

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