Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Releases! Ides, Paris, and Rum.

3 new releases are up today for review thanks to the power of redbox and comcast for some lovely "free ondemand" coupons! I missed all three of these while they were in theaters, and it made me quite sad! Turns out I missed two good ones, and one terrible one. I'm glad it cost me $1.30 instead of $7.75 to learn this though.

"The Ides of March" (2011) features my favorites Ryan Gosling and Paul Giamatti....and that sucker Clooney, but he is so irrelevant these days. Essentially a political thrill-drama, Gosling is an up and coming media mind working for Clooney's campaign. After a few twists and turns Gosling sort of loses it and plays dirty to eventually get what he wants. Giamatti is the campaign manager for the opposing candidate and sadly doesn't play that large of a role, in regards to screen time. I thought the acting was phenomenal, on my two G's (no pun) part. Clooney doesn't act as far as I'm concerned, he just smiles and recites lines. But whatever, he did a fine job as well. This movie left me sad and in awe, and kinda of critical of the political game especially during primary season. I liked it. I would definitely recommend it.

"Midnight in Paris" (2011) Let me say this first: after Owen Wilson's suicide scare I was really concerned he would never work again, and that saddened me because I really like him. Never fear! He is back! And with an incredibly successful effort I must add! So there isn't much explaining to do on the plot, without giving away the whole story but be clear: it is a wonderful story! Who wouldn't be just enthralled with the idea of Paris in the 1920s? It sounds incredible! The music, the fashion, the art, the parties all tres magnific! I loved the presence of incredibly famous icons woven into the story line and the way in which Gil (Wilson) reacts to them. The idea that the grass is always greener is so so prevalent, and it really does make you think. The images of Paris are absolutely stunning and make you love the city so very much (even for someone like me, who doesn't really like the city at all) and the music is lovely! Absolutely lovely! It was so quintessentially French that you had to love it; it brought to light all the things people love about Paris and nothing that people hate. It was a lovely film.

"The Rum Diary" (2011)
Dear Johhny Depp,
The record now shows that I have sat through two incredibly slow films in which you starred only to be incredibly disappointed. For future reference, the audience doesn't believe that you are poor, bumbling, unable to snatch away a woman, awkward, or otherwise incapable of being a sex god. Please stop picking those roles. Its just plain annoying.


This movie had so much promise. The trailer looked so good. Instead it was a 1960 political statement on injustice between rich and poor in Puerto Rico and Depp's sadsack effort to try and do something. I was utterly unimpressed and bored. The characters were incredibly strange and undeveloped and I really didn't enjoy any of the acting. The only redeeming quality was the beautiful images of Puerto Rico and the music. Other than that, I wasted 2 hours of my life. Don't rent this one. Seriously. Just rewatch The Hangover or Iron Man on tv. It will be better. I promise.

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