Saturday, March 24, 2012


There isn't much to say about this film, except that I still don't quite understand it. It was the first movie I've seen in London, and I'm quickly learning that British critics don't share the same sense of humor I do.

Carnage is based off a play of the same name, and apparently the play is hilarious. I think this movie would have been funnier to me if I was married and had kids. It has an all star cast; Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly, Christoph Waltz, and Kate Winslet. The acting was incredible, and I really did enjoy the story but I just didn't get the uproarious laughter I thought I would. Its quite short, only a little over an hour, but it was good. Just not hilarious. Rent it, if you feel like it. Meh.

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