Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Documentary Time!

"I'm Still Here". Weirdest shit I've seen in a long time. I'm still not sure what the goal was for Joaquin Pheonix and that atrocious crap, but it was weird and not 100% believable. If it was supposed to help his career, I'm going to go ahead and assume it didn't work. Also, his complaint of people always wanting him to act a certain way and be a are an actor bro, what else do you have to do? If you are looking for a confidence booster and reminder of why it may not be so great to be famous, this is it. He also did some serious damage to my hopes of being a successful white rapper. Way to set us back asshole.

"Exit Through the Gift Shop" was another not 100% believable plot line, but regardless it was hella cool. Banksy, the notoriously good and daring European street artist, is the illusive subject of this potential "mock"umentary. It was super interesting to see how the street artists move through the night, and how delusional some of them are. It definitely made me want to hone in on my spray paint skillz. See it fo' sho.
Both of these movies are on Netflix instant, so you really have no excuse.

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