Friday, September 9, 2011

Still In Theatres

So I totally blanked and forgot that I hadn't blogged. Sorry blogosphere.

1) Our Idiot Brother
So I am only child, which probably limited my understanding of this movie. Regardless I still thought it was pretty funny, and I definitely enjoyed it. Paul Rudd was great; he played this hippie bonehead who just was way too trusting and didn't understand what should and shouldn't be repeated. The family is uber dysfunctional, and I think everyone can relate to the characters. There's a lesbian sister, a workaholic single sister, and a too liberal for her own good sister who has a total d-bag for a husband. It was funny in an unconventional way and really made you think about those reject family members we all have. We all would be lucky to have a character like Paul Rudd in our family, simply because it would be entertaining as hell. If your family has a sense of humor and doesn't mind adult humor, I would definitely recommend this for the after thanksgiving movie.

2) The Help
Okay, so everyone should know by now that this movie is awesome. Its number 1 on the charts for the third week in a row and I absolutely loved it! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THE BOOK! Whether its before or after you see the movie is unimportant, just so long as you read it. I loved Emma Stone (girl crush!) and I thought she did a wonderful job! The entire cast was amazing, and I think the casting directors did a really good job! The book adaptation was a little off, and I was disappointed my favorite quotes didn't make it in, but I guess I will allow it! It made me feel good, made me laugh, and made me cry. If you are living under a rock and still haven't seen this, then dust yourself off and get to the movie theatre! Do it. See it.

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