Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Kids Movies (on the block)

Sometimes I even amaze myself with my wittiness and charm.

First Up...

Mr. Popper's Penguins
Okay, I really didn't want to see this movie. I'm not a very big fan of Jim Carrey, and I just in general thought this would be super dumb. I admit, I was wrong. It was actually super cute! I'm a little worried about Jim's personal life though; he seems to frequently play the negligent dad who's kids don't really like him that much, so he takes on something drastic in order to win his family back. Just Sayin. I loved the little penguins, they weren't nearly as computer generated as I expected, and his assistant Poppy was positively precious! I would go see it if you get a chance, and if not, add it to the list of movies for christmas or some such family gathering time.


I guess I just have a melancholy outlook on life that I expect all of these movies to be terrible. It was, in fact, not terrible. The animals were super cute, and I seriously felt for Kevin James' character. Chubby, not well paid zookeeper looking for love in all the wrong places (adult spin-off possibly) and always falling for the money-hungry shallow lady. I loved that the monkey looked exactly like the monkey (probably the same one) from Hangover 2. Maya Rudolph's voice as the giraffe was awesome and all of the characters were really well done, and funny as zoo animals. I also loved that Griffin (James) takes Bernie the Gorilla to a TGIFridays. Hilarious. Go see it, you know you love talking animals.

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