Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards

First and foremost, it is a sad day indeed that award-season has come to an end. I've been working all year to be up to date and informed for the awards, and I think I did a pretty good job seeing most of the films and making education choices.
I want to say from the get-go that I thought the production of the Oscars was absolutely great. Although James Franco didn't do it for me as a host, I thought Anne Hathaway was great; precious, candid and beautiful, all the things a movie star should be. The Academy did a beautiful job weaving the history of the awards in with the presentation of awards, and the sets and changes were beautiful as well. The montage of memorable music to introduce "Best Original Song" was so amazing for a movie nerd, and then young-hip me really enjoyed the satirical versions of the songs. ("Tiny Ball of Light" anyone? Thank goodness HP7 got some sort of recognition)
The presenters were mediocre at best, and relied heavily on you understanding and knowing them as a person. I was uncomfortable with the presenters on numerous occasions and felt as though they didn't really know what they were doing there (read: j.timberlake and mila kunis' really awkward exchanges and her creepy grasp on his arm).

Now for the important part: AWARDS!
I'm only going to comment on the ones that I saw/was able to make an informed decision.
  • Art Direction
  • My pick: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part One
  • Oscar: Alice in Wonderland
I've never really liked Tim Burton's films, and I didn't see Alice in Wonderland. I'm sure it was great. But it WASN'T Harry Potter; and this was the only award HP7 was nominated for. Whatever Academy.
  • Cinematography
  • Both Oscar and I chose: Inception.
How could you not? It defines what cinematography is and why not everyone can make movies and, why very few people make great movies.
  • Best Supporting Actress
  • My Pick: Amy Adams
  • Oscar: Melissa Leto
I just wanted someone to win for "The Fighter". Although I thought Amy Adams did a better job, and went way outside of her normal character, Melissa Leto also did a stellar job. The acting in The Fighter was phenomenal, and I wanted them to be rewarded for it.
  • Animated Short
  • My pick: "day and night"
  • Oscar: "the lost thing"
The only animated short I saw was "day and night", so that's why I picked it. However, the speech that the creators of "the lost thing" gave totally convinced me. It sounds like a wonderful premise, and I hope that I get to see it.
  • Best Animated Picture
  • My pick: How to Train Your Dragon
  • Oscar: Toy Story 3
Oh whatever Academy; I understand that Toy Story 3 completed an epic trilogy and created a genre and style that has been influential to every animated picture from then on. HOWEVER, I thought the story was rather predictable, and How to Train Your Dragon was such a cute story. I also want one of those little black nugget dragons. They are so cute.
  • Original Screenplay
  • My pick: The Fighter
  • Oscar: The King's Speech
This was the point during the show that I knew "The King's Speech" was going to sweep it. The Academy and the public got super involved with the story, and decided it was going to be the love of their lives.
  • Adapted Screenplay
  • My pick: 127 hours
  • Oscar: The Social Network
I obviously wasn't sipping on the social network's kool-aide like everyone else was. I thought it was good, yeah. But not THAT good. Jeez Louise. Later on in this post there will be a violent tirade about the social network. Hold onto your hats.
  • Foreign Film
  • My pick: Biutiful
  • Oscar: In a Better World
I don't even have words for the Academy on this one. I was shocked and appalled that Biutiful didn't win. This "In a Better World" is saved on my Netflix queue, and when it comes out on DVD and arrives in my mailbox I will watch it immediately. If that movie doesn't subsequently melt my face off with awesome artistic expression and meaning and emotion, then I will let you know by an even angrier post. You can read my post about Biutiful lower in the blog, but I will tell you that it goes into the top 5 movies of all time for me. Just watching the clip they showed for Javier Bardem's Best Actor nomination made me start to tear up. It was phenomenal, and I'm completely flabbergasted that it didn't win.
  • Best Supporting Actor
  • My pick: Christian Bale and the OSCAR pick --> CHRISTIAN BALE
Thank goodness Christian won, especially because it came right after the announcement of foreign film. I was going to have to turn it off right then and there. He did such an amazing job, I'm just confused about the terrifying leprechaun beard he's been sporting lately.
  • Original Score
  • My Pick: The King's Speech/Inception
  • Oscar: The Social Network
I'm sorry, WHAT? The music in The Social Network was absolutely awful. It was just notes, back and forth. A four year old made up that same music on their "my first keyboard" but didn't get a pretty gold man statue. As I said, I wasn't sipping on their kool-aide; that and I thought the music was freaking terrible.
  • Live Action Short
  • My Pick: The Crush
  • Oscar: God of Love
This marks the second time during the program where I was not only offended but insulted. When I saw the shorts, I was embarrassed that "God of Love" was the only submission from the united states, and that it was so terribly cliche and just plain bad. The Crush, Wish 143, and The Confession were all original stories that told a complete story using not so many words, pretty imagery, and an imaginative plot. However, this trash from the US was cliche and dumb and total hipster crap. Also, it came from the Tisch Academy, and I'm still a little bitter that they took Vanessa over Dan Humphrey.
  • Documentary
The only one I saw was Banksy's "Exit through the gift shop" which I thought was great and possibly completely made up. However, I'm sure that "Inside Job" was a much better film. Adding it to the list.
  • Actor in a Leading Role
  • My Pick: Javier Bardem
  • Oscar: Colin Firth
I wasn't surprised at all that Colin Firth one, and I definitely think he deserved it. I was just very upset that Javier Bardem and the team that created "Biutiful" didn't get the recognition it deserved. Javier, if you are reading, I think you were fabulous.
  • Actress in a Leading Role
  • Natalie Portman, Duh.
I don't think this was a surprise or anything for anyone. She was a BAMF in Black Swan, and she was rewarded for it. How it should be.
  • Best Picture
  • My Pick: The Fighter
  • Oscar: The King's Speech
As I said, I knew early on that The King's Speech was going to take it all. I personally was just more affected by The Fighter than I was the other. I know many people found it inspirational and uplifting, and I don't disagree, I just felt more connected to the acting and story in The Fighter.

That's all folks. I would like to thank The Academy for a wonderful evening and reminding me why I love movies and films so much. This officially marks the beginning of my quest to see all the nominated Foreign, Best Picture, Live Action and Animated Shorts, and Documentaries for the 2012 Award Season.

One Please.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like every time toy story is up, people go balls to the wall crazy for it, i am just not feeling it...how to train your dragon was definitely a better pick...i would also like a little dragon
