Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Beaver

Okay. I think Mel Gibson is a hot mess who would seriously benefit from some therapy and maybe a good shopping session. It would seem as though his crazy has infiltrated his acting, leading him to choose bananas roles.

Thus, "The Beaver" was born. Gibson is the main character, a once successful business man who's life spirals out of control leaving him empty. He finds a busted old beaver puppet in the garbage and decides to use it as an alternative form of therapy. Now, as strange as it sounds, for like the first 50 minutes I thought this was cute. The beaver allowed him to rejuvenate himself, approach people with a different attitude, and get his family back together.

But then, all hell breaks lose. The beaver quickly turns to a horror film style plot line, and by the end my only response was "uhhhh, what?". I would say rent this if you want to watch the weirdness that is Mel Gibson currently, but other than that it is just going to make you have weird thoughts and worry about the sanity of people.
Really a very strange story.

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