Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Avengers, (and a whole mess of other Marvel movies) The Hobbit, and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

I get stressed out about blogging, considering how behind on my movie list I am. Then, I remember that I'm the only one that reads this and its just for me, and I should probably just chill. I saw all these movies like a million years ago, but whatever. If you somehow live under a rock and somehow stumble upon this review, maybe I can persuade you to stop watching 'Family Ties' and actually watch a good movie.

'The Avengers' was absolutely incredible. It was by far my favorite movie to date done by Marvel, and I loved the way they worked all of the characters in together. I was totally skeptical going into it, but they had me sold immediately and I loved it. It had the perfect blend of action, romance, comedy and vengeance. There were some incredible one liners in there, that had me absolutely howling, and then they had me on the edge of my seat as well. I can't wait for more stuff from Marvel (IRON MAN 3 COMES OUT TOMORROW Y'ALL) because they consistently put out incredible stuff. (Looks like I started writing, and then what a surprise, put it off some more....considering Iron Man 3 has already gone to DVD I believe, so let me add that)

'Iron Man 3' I thought this was going to be a tired plot, because I wasn't really a fan of the second one, but taking time off seemed to really help their story line. Allowing Stark to develop his character a bit more within the Avengers series paid off, and the Iron Man 3 incarnation was a fun story to watch. The plot line was a little bit predictable and ridiculous, but the action and effects were incredible and it was just a good old fashion fun action movie. It had me on the edge of my seat till the very end. I would say, don't give up on this franchise just yet if you weren't blown away by the second installment. Also, let's be real, Pepper Potts steals the show in this one, so good for her.

'The Wolverine' was also the third installment (I believe) of Hugh Jackman's character Wolverine in the Marvel franchise, and it was not nearly as satisfying. I guess, if we are being technical, this is only the second exclusively Wolverine movie (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and now this) and he also had a huge part in the original X-Men series, although not in 'X-Men: First Class' (he did have a killer cameo though). This plot line revolves around Jackman being summoned to Japan by a man he once saved, and very soon really weird shit ensues. There is always a tinge of crazy in the X-Men movies, but this was just too much. I was too busy wondering what was wrong with the people to focus on the action. Jackman was a badass in the action scenes, but it really didn't leave me wanting more like the X-Men movies normally do; and Wolverine is one of my favorite characters. Let's be real here, I loved the Origins movie, so this one had big shoes to fill...and it didn't.

'The Hobbit' - okay, now, I know people are really mixed on this one. As someone who was incredibly mixed on the whole LOTR experience I wasn't really expecting to enjoy this, but I really do think Peter Jackson did a good job. He took the creative liberties needed to make it more relevant for the screen, but stayed true to the story for the die hard enthusiasts (me). I think people who've never read the book will be able to follow the story and enjoy it, which wasn't the case for the LOTR trilogy. I'm unsure, however, that we actually need a Hobbit trilogy. I think two probably would have done it, but no one is paying me to make these decisions. Regardless, I'm super excited to see the next installment, and I think they've lived up to the hype thus far. The first movie covers from the beginning of the tale (duh) to the group being rescued by the giant eagles, and that's all I will say as to not give anything away if you haven't seen it! But, definitely invest in this trilogy because I think it is going to be much better and a better use of your time than the LOTR saga.

'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' - Yeah, I'm aware this doesn't go with any of these other movies, but it was on the list. I didn't really have a lot of hope for this movie, but it was a cute premise and at the cheap theatre, so I thought what the hell. AND they SO proved me wrong - it was a star studded cast and they delivered an excellent film! It was a great lovable tale about people getting a second wind in life, taking chances, love and travel...what's not to love! The cinematography/visual representations are incredible as the whole thing takes place in India; it definitely made me want to pack up and visit. Dev Patel (of Slumdog Millionaire fame) plays the idealistic and hopeful hotel host, and he definitely makes the film for me.

Additionally, after 'Slumdog Millionaire' I worried that Dev Patel would be pigeonholed and type casted in ethnic specific roles, and this movie definitely didn't help his case. However, he's done an incredible job on the HBO show 'The Newsroom', which if you aren't watching, you are missing out. It just finished its second season, and dear Lord is it a fantastic show! It is definitely worth spending some time on. Do it.